Cecile Meyer Frampton/Cornhusker Bank Scholarship for LNE

The Cecile Meyer Frampton/Cornhusker Bank Scholarship for Lincoln Northeast HS was created by Cornhusker Bank in 1999 to honor the life of Cecile Meyer Frampton. Mrs. Frampton was a woman ahead of her time. She served on the board of directors of Farmer’s State Bank in Davey, and its successor, Cornhusker Bank. Mrs. Frampton was married to George A. Frampton, who was instrumental in creating Cornhusker Bank. Mrs. Frampton passed away in 1984, but members of her family are still actively involved with Cornhusker Bank.

Applicants must be a graduating seniors of Lincoln Northeast High School in Lincoln, Nebraska; enroll full-time at a public or private four-year Nebraska college or university (12 credit hours); received a 2.5 GPA on a 4.0 scale (or equivalent) or a “C+” average or better in your high school graduating class; demonstrate qualities of leadership, good character, and citizenship; demonstrate an interest in business through choice of classes, work experience, or extra-curricular activities. Applicants must have been, or are actively, involved in at least two extra-curricular activities or sports programs while high school students. Applicants must demonstrate need of financial assistance to continue their education. (If two or more candidates for a scholarship exhibit equal qualifications, the student exhibiting the greatest financial need shall be given preference in the selection).

Additional Application Requirement: Two (2) references’ e-mail addresses. References will be notified to fill out an online form. References must be teachers, counselors, case workers, clergy, employers, neighbors, etc. (references from family members are not acceptable).

$1,500 (1 Award)
Supplemental Questions
  1. Please submit two (2) reference e-mail addresses. References will be notified automatically by the system to fill out an online form when the application is submitted. Note: References have only until the March 15 deadline to submit, so applicants needing references must apply well ahead of the deadline to allow references adequate time to submit! References may be teachers, counselors, case workers, clergy, employers, neighbors, etc. (references from family members are not acceptable). )
    • Reference 1
    • Reference 2